Friday, February 10, 2012

Rape is not a four letter word

I have been raped and sexually assaulted 9 times in my life.

Once at 2-years old by a female babysitter with another little boy who lived in my neighborhood

Once at 6-years old by an adult male in my neighborhood

Once at 9-years old by the same little boy involved in what happened when I was 2

Twice in two months at age 12, one time by a group of three 16-year old boys and the other by just one man

I passed out one night at a party when I was 16-years old and woke up with a boy on top of me and inside me. A friend of his came down when he was done to take his turn as well. I didn’t even fight him

Once at 21-years old I went out with some co-workers. I had too much to drink and passed out in the back of a male co-worker’s car. While he was driving me home he decided to pull over to the side of the rode. Again, woke up to him on me and inside me. I remember I had just started dating someone and was scared that what was happening meant I was cheating on him. I had to work with this man for the next 6-months.

And finally, at the age of 30, I went out with some friends and we met a group of guys at the bar. The rest is really fuzzy.  I am assuming they put something in my drink. I woke up in a hotel room with a group of men surrounding the bed. My skirt was up and my panties were down.  I crawled out of that room while those men laughed at me. I was married at the time and never told my husband what happened. He was understandably upset with me that night when I came home so late. It was shortly after that I asked my ex-husband for a divorce.

I never told anyone that could help me what happened. I took all the blame and buried it deep inside me. As I type this I can feel that very familiar feeling of shame creep up my spine and into my throat. I can feel my body tense and my stomach turn. I feel instantly dirty and want to crawl into a hole.

I have been reliving these emotions all week because a new man in my life showed me physical affection.

I am pissed about it.

For years I would only ever talk about any of this stuff when I was completely loaded and with my very closest friends.  If I talked about it too much it made it all real and I knew I could not deal with it if these events became real.  Now I am more open to talk about it, but then I worry about the way it affects the people I am telling. When I laid it all out there in treatment, the reactions I saw scared me. I thought the group was upset with me, it was not until later, after it was explained to me I found out they were upset for me. It was shortly after I shared all of this in rehab that my insurance company said I was “too emotionally damaged to benefit from further treatment”.

These events defined me for an incredibly long time and I have put a great deal of effort into working through them over the past year. All of that effort seemed to go out the window the other night when I was being kissed. I panicked, went into robot mode, shut down, hurt the man’s feelings and ran like there was no tomorrow as soon as I could.  Not my most attractive look.

My sponsor suggested I write all of this out and get it out of my head and my dear sweet friends remind me to be gentle with myself,  because I won’t be. I want what I want when I want it. What I want right now is not to have to deal with these emotions, but that is not the case. I have them and I cannot afford to ignore them anymore.  

A woman very dear to me sent me an email today. In her email she shared with me some equally awful experiences. I received an email from another woman a few days ago who shared something she too is feeling shame over.

What I told them both is that shame is not real, love is. I believe that to be true.

What I am feeling right now is not based in reality, it is based in fear. I did NOTHING to deserve what happened to me. I do not have to let these feelings control me. I do not have to be ashamed of what my story is. It is mine and it has made me who I am today. I am a sober woman facing these things the best way I know how to and there is nothing shameful about that.

So I am stepping out in love and hoping that someone else will find this helps them. But even if it doesn’t, it has helped me. I do not have to hide who I am anymore. The fact I am able to write all of this out without reaching for a drink or a drug shows the power of the program I work. All I am doing is being honest about who I am and that can never be wrong. I do not have to hold on to these things anymore and so I am letting them go today, even if it is just for today.

I don’t understand why things happen in this world. I don’t understand why things happened the way they did for me. But what I do understand is that if I change my perception I can change my day and if I do that enough days, I can change my life.

Today I am not a victim, today I am a survivor. Today I will practice gratitude for these feelings. Today I will share them and send love ahead.

Love and light….

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